VII edycja - abstrakty

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Kinga Uszko (Szczecin)

Welsh compounds and their description - helpful or misguiding?

As there is no word-formation handbook for Welsh it is subtantially hard to decide whether a set of words in Welsh is a compound or not. What is more, as English has a great influence on Welsh it is increasingly important to go back to the original word-formation rules in Welsh to sustain the language in its original, not anglicised form. Therefore, the following presentation is to briefly present the state of description of Welsh compounds as provided by the leading grammars and linguistic resources by such authors as S. Zimmer and G. King and D. Thorne. What is more, it is to comment upon it and show several problems which cause linguistic insecurity among both users and learners of the Welsh language such as vague and misguiding definitions, awkward examples as well as the use of many different terms to denote the same process. Furthermore, it is to suggest possible ways of improvement that would lead to systematisation and unification of compounding in Welsh.

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W tym samym czasie ...
412, 416
sala: 504
moderacja: Marta Durczak
10:00-10:15Kinga Uszko (US) - Welsh compounds and their description - helpful or misguiding?
10:15-10:30Bartłomiej Kruk (UAM) - Interactional construction of social death in dementia family caregiving
10:30-10:45Heng Zhang (UW) - A Survey on English Grammar Learning of Non-English Majors at Science and Engineering Universities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China
10:45-11:00Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett (UAM) - Discursive research on miscarriage: the potential for impact