Abstrakty - VI edycja

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Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett (Poznań)

Combining MCA and CDA? Investigating heteronormativity

Western societies generally recognise only a two gender system based on binary understandings of gender and sexuality (Motschenbacher 2011). This means that heterosexual men and women are believed to posses mutually excusive gender identities, which is often explained and justified via biological differences between the sexes. This system of categorising people in just two exclusive groups based on their gender and (hetero)sexuality is called heteronormativity (Motschenbacher 2011, 2013). A novel combination of critical discourse analysis (Reisigl and Wodak 2001) and membership categorization analysis (Stokoe 2012) allows for the uncovering of hidden relations of language, power and ideology present in the heteronormative family discourse. By unpacking the discursive realisation of online users' situated categorizations of relevant social actors based on their moral and cultural 'commonsense' knowledge about family life, I investigate how those categorizations lead to the negotiation and maintenance of dominant heteronormative ideologies.

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W tym samym czasie ...
412, 416
sala: 504
moderacja: Ida Stria
10:00-10:15Bartłomiej Kruk (UAM) - Commonsensical knowledge in talk-in-interaction? The synergy of conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis
10:15-10:30Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett (UAM) - Combining MCA and CDA? Investigating heteronormativity
10:30-10:45Monika Hohensee (UAM) - Verb-noun collocations in the semantic field of emotion lexemes