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Katarzyna Młynarczyk (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)

English lexical transfers in selected Russian Instagram comments and posts

Modern social networking services and video-sharing websites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube are not only very convenient, state-of-the-art channels of communication but also sources of language trends. Instagram, for instance, is a ubiquitous tool which allows its users to display their private lives and address their followers from all over the world more directly; such an informal and easily accessible platform and - more importantly - comments/posts under pictures may constitute a source for harvesting up-to-date linguistic data and creating corpora of the most trending expressions among multiple categories of users.
Inasmuch as English has paved its way to being a lingua franca, Russia has displayed vigorous tendencies to keep the Russian language 'pure'. This proposed purity of the Russian language has implied the language free of borrowings and the replacement of existing borrowings with Russian equivalents. In spite of these efforts, a growing number of English lexical borrowings can be found in Internet communication.
The aim of the present study is to analyse the most modern lexical transfers from English to the language of Russian Internet users. This is done on the basis of Instagram users' comments and the post descriptions of Russia's most popular musicians from the year 2018 and the beginning of 2019. Posts/comments were gathered by means of data scraping tools (Spatulah and exportcomments.com) and afterwards subjected to linguistic scrutiny. 

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416, 504, 525
sala: 505
moderacja: Alicja Tomys
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15:00-15:15Katarzyna Młynarczyk (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu) - English lexical transfers in selected Russian Instagram comments and posts