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Paweł Korpal (Poznań)

Jeg har en date i aften: The influence of English on Danish

There is no denying that English has become a global language, the so-called lingua franca (McArthur 2002; Crystal 2003; Mair 2003). It is now used not only in the English-speaking countries but also in the countries where it has a status of a foreign language. The extensive use of English may have an influence on national languages and lead to the domain loss. The question of the interplay between the use of Danish and English in Denmark has been widely discussed by a great many Scandinavian linguists (Sørensen 1974; Davidsen-Nielsen and Herslund 1999; Preisler 1999; Andersen 2002; Thøgersen 2007).
The main purpose of this presentation is to take a closer look at the influence of English on Danish as well as Danes' attitude to English as a global language. As noticed by Sørensen (1974) the influence of English involves not only the incorporation of English loan words to the Danish language but it also encompasses changes at the level of morphology and syntax. Such examples will be discussed during the presentation. Furthermore, the author will present the tentative results of a pilot study in which a group of Danish students was asked to complete a questionnaire consisting of questions related to linguistic globalisation, international communication and the status of English in Denmark.

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W tym samym czasie ...
412, 416
sala: 504
moderacja: Aleksandra Michalak
14:30-14:45 Piotr Szczepankiewicz (UAM) - How technology can help minority languages: the case of Celtic Britain and Ireland
14:45-15:00Katarzyna Stachowiak (UAM) - "Mental tongue slips" - production errors without uttering a word: A study on interpreters and translators
15:00-15:15Paweł Korpal (UAM) - Jeg har en date i aften: The influence of English on Danish
15:15-15:30Michał Rojek (UAM) - Choices of modality, mood, and lexical items used in gossip to influence listener's perception about absent parties: a part of a wider behavioral adaptation originating from primate coalition formation?