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Heng Zhang (Warszawa)

A Survey on English Grammar Learning of Non-English Majors at Science and Engineering Universities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China

English grammar teaching is a controversial issue in foreign language teaching all over the world. With the development of second language acquisition in applied linguistics, people have felt more confused about English grammar teaching since the 1970's of last century. English grammar teaching at college is facing the same problem in China. On the one hand, students have learned English grammar systematically at high school. On the other hand, one of the teaching objectives in College English Curriculum Requirement is to develop students' abilities of using English in a well-rounded way, especially in listening and speaking. Therefore, a number of teachers and students believe that there is no point teaching and learning English grammar at college.
As the acceleration of internationalization process in globally, a great number of science and engineering talents of high quality and innovative ability are urgently needed in China. These students are not only required to master the solid professional knowledge, but also they need to communicate with each other in English. Therefore, science and engineering universities should put more emphasis on college English to meet the needs of society.
From the perspective of students' English grammar learning, the present survey investigates 200 non-English majors at Gunagxi University of Science and Technology, Guilin University of Technology of China by means of quantitative and qualitative methods based on previous research. The research focuses on the overall situations English grammar learning of non-English majors at science and engineering universities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (GZAR). The author analyzes English grammar learning from dimensions of attitudes, beliefs, contents, perseverance, resources and also explores the relationships between genders, score of CET-4 and the high and low score group students.
By conducting and analyzing the data of the questionnaire and the content of interview, the research indicates: (1) Most of non-English majors at science and engineering universities in GZAR of China have a positive and correct attitude towards English grammar learning, but they are not persistent in learning it. (2) There is no significant difference between female and male students in learning English grammar. (3) There exists a significant and positive correlation between English grammar learning and score of CET-4. (4) There exists a highly significant difference between high and low score group students in learning English grammar. Through sufficient investigation and objective analysis, this research aims at solving the existing problems of English grammar at science and engineering universities in GZAR. The corresponding proposals are made from both aspects of the teachers and students.

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412, 416
sala: 504
moderacja: Marta Durczak
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10:30-10:45Heng Zhang (UW) - A Survey on English Grammar Learning of Non-English Majors at Science and Engineering Universities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China
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