VII edycja - abstrakty
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Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett (Poznań)
Discursive research on miscarriage: the potential for impact
This paper explores the potential practical relevance of an analysis of women's miscarriage experiences. This is part of a wider PhD project on the discursive construction of miscarriage in the context of semi-structured interviews with women from both the UK and Poland. Using the methods and insights of thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke 2006), I identify which aspects of grieving (Pang and Lam 2002) are salient in 'troubles talk' narratives, and how and why the experience of miscarriage is constructed as a solely feminine experience. The study also explicates how women rely on common sense knowledge when constructing normative assumptions about the roles of partners and other family members who accompany them on their 'journey' through coping with loss. Further to this, the research looks at how such knowledge can be potentially helpful in making sense of and coping with their current situation. With this in mind, the paper seeks to scrutinize the possibilities for impact that this research could have outside academia. In particular, I consider how it could benefit the knowledge of health professionals and therapists working with people who have suffered losses, as well as what possible aspects, either positive or negative, it could have on the lives of the survivors who have agreed to share their experiences.
Gdzie i kiedy:
W tym samym czasie ... 412, 416 | sala: 504 moderacja: Marta Durczak |
10:00-10:15 | Kinga Uszko (US) - Welsh compounds and their description - helpful or misguiding? |
10:15-10:30 | Bartłomiej Kruk (UAM) - Interactional construction of social death in dementia family caregiving |
10:30-10:45 | Heng Zhang (UW) - A Survey on English Grammar Learning of Non-English Majors at Science and Engineering Universities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China |
10:45-11:00 | Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett (UAM) - Discursive research on miscarriage: the potential for impact |
11:00-11:20 | dyskusja |