Abstrakty - VI edycja

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Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett (Poznań)
"In a perfect world everyone would have a loving father and mother but...": A Critical Discourse Analysis of comments on same-sex parenting
The study investigates the discursive construction of gay parenting, within the context of a heteronormative world (Motschenbacher and Stegu 2013), as projected in online comments posted underneath news articles concerning gay adoption in the UK. Due to the introduction of numerous pro-gay family laws and the continuous social liberalization of sexualities in this country, the concept of the family is constantly being reworked and negotiated. It is especially noticeable in the online setting, which constitutes a safe discursive space allowing for disembodied digital self-disclosures and discussions about socially sensitive topics due to the perceived anonymity of the users (Gunkel 2010). By applying the insights and methods of Reisigl and Wodak's (2001) understanding of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) I investigate how nomination, predication, argumentation and mitigation/intensification strategies are used to legitimise anti-gay discourses on same-sex parenting. Four main thematic strategies were identified in the data: 1) De-naturalisation of same-sex families, 2) Emphasising the importance of feminine and masculine role models, 3) De-legitimising progressive mindsets and 4) Juxtaposing loving gay parents with life in social care.