Abstrakty - VI edycja

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Dominika Krysztofowicz (Poznań)
Intercultural diversity as important aspect of education in European Union
Cultural diversity has long been considered one of Europe's most valuable assets. Recognizing pluralism as an integral part of European identity, the European Union adopted "Unity in Diversity" as its official motto in the year 2000. Since then, however, the challenges posed by migration-related diversity have become increasingly apparent. Today's societies should be able to develop educational policies that are culturally sensitive and inclusive, and will help the European Union to preserve and develop inner diversity, as well as language diversity. Multiculturalism in Europe remains a challenge. Though EU directives on racial equality and employment have been in place for nearly a decade, discrimination against migrants and minorities in the labour market is still widespread. While some progress has been made toward multicultural citizenship, most migrant and minority groups remain politically voiceless. The submission should provide particular information about the main problems and challenges of intercultural education nowadays, as well as show its significance in European Union.
Gdzie i kiedy:
W tym samym czasie ... 412, 504 | sala: 412 moderacja: Mirosław Koziarski |
14:15-14:30 | Dominika Krysztofowicz (UAM) - Intercultural diversity as important aspect of education in European Union |
14:30-14:45 | Iwona Kącka (UJK) - The manner of introducing new grammar structures in a foreign language classroom |
14:45-15:00 | Jan Moritz Werk (UAM) - "Kapitalismus" before and after the crisis - an analysis of semantic prosody in the German women's magazine "Brigitte" |
15:00-15:15 | dyskusja |