VII edycja - abstrakty
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Paweł Korpal (Poznań)
The attitude of Danish people to English as a global language: The age group effect
English is often referred to as a global language, the so-called lingua franca (McArthur 2002; Crystal 2003; Mair 2003). The presence of a universal language may facilitate communication among the speakers of different language background. Nevertheless, many researchers are apprehensive of the fact that the existence of English as a lingua franca may lead to the impoverishment of local languages. The question of the (over)use of English in Denmark has been widely discussed by many Scandinavian linguists (Jarvad 1995, 1999; Davidsen-Nielsen and Herslund 1999; Preisler 1999; Andersen 2002; Thøgersen 2007).
The main purpose of the this study was to take a closer look at the attitude of Danish people to English as a global language. Two groups, each consisting of twenty Danes, took part in the study: (1) a group of young Danes aged 25 and younger and (2) a group of middle-aged and elderly Danes aged 40 and more. They were asked to complete a questionnaire consisting of questions related to linguistic globalisation, international communication, foreign language education, the status of English in Denmark and the advantages/disadvantages of the existence of a universal language. The results of the study manifest general acceptance of English as a global language among young Danes and an ambivalent attitude to English among older Danes. Interestingly enough, it was manifested in the study that there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups with regard to the use of English loanwords in everyday communication.
Gdzie i kiedy:
W tym samym czasie ... 412, 416 | sala: 504 moderacja: Mirosław Koziarski |
11:50-12:05 | Paweł Korpal (UAM) - The attitude of Danish people to English as a global language: The age group effect |
12:05-12:20 | Reza Arab (UW) - The Intentionality and Conventionality in the use of Irony |
12:20-12:35 | Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett, Bartłomiej Kruk (UAM) - Multimodal conctructions of sexuality in EFL textbooks in Poland |
12:35-12:50 | Iga Krzysik (UAM) - Phonological development of a child with Specific Language Impairment: A contrastive study of Polish and English |
12:50-13:10 | dyskusja |