VIII edycja - abstrakty

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Małgorzata Dorota Kopera (Lublin)

Third Language Acquisition and Writing: The Role of the First and the Second Language

Third language acquisition seems to be a relatively new topic which interests more and more educators. Researchers tried to answer the question which language in the context of trilingualism plays a greater role: the first (L1) or the second (L2). Tullock & Fernández-Villanueva (2013) claim that, according to the latest studies on cross-linguistic influence, students decidedly rely on their L2, particularly in the first phases of L3 learning. However, there are studies which show an equal impact of the mother tongue and the second language on the third language (ex. Cenoz & Gorter, 2011) or a greater impact of L1 on L3 than of L2 (Tremblay, 2006). The presentation aims at describing these different views of language interdependence. Moreover, third language acquisition will be presented in the context of teaching writing skills, as students’ compositions are a tangible proof of how languages influence one another. Some implications concerning teaching writing to multilinguals will be indicated. The presentation will also include examples of useful writing tasks for multilingual learners.

Gdzie i kiedy: 

W tym samym czasie ...
412, 416, 505
sala: 504
moderacja: Tomasz Mowlik
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12:00-12:15Małgorzata Dorota Kopera (UMCS) - Third Language Acquisition and Writing: The Role of the First and the Second Language
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