Abstrakty - VI edycja

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Iwona Kącka (Kielce)
The manner of introducing new grammar structures in a foreign language classroom
It is believed that the way the teacher introduces new grammar structures is directly connected with students' results in grammar tests. Due to that fact the teachers are advised to choose the approach that will help the students absorb the new material efficiently and at the same time in a pleasant way.
Some of the teachers tend to use the inductive approach and try to encourage the learners to discover the rules on their own. In this way, they provide the students with the context as well as the purpose. However, there are also such teachers who tend to introduce new grammar structures deductively. They mostly focus on form and what follows no context and no purpose are provided during the presentation of the new language rule.
In my presentation I will discuss the influence of an inductive and deductive approach on students' test results. Two groups of secondary school students aged 17 took part in the experiment. All the students were on the pre-intermediate level. The students were taught grammar by using two totally different approaches and then tested to see their results. The students were also asked to respond to the questions in the questionnaire to see the effects, the attractiveness and the usefulness of these approaches. Moreover, ten secondary school teachers of English participated in the study and were to share their opinion about the students' results and interest in the lesson after employing the approaches.
The analysis of the study implies that the use of the inductive approach is more effective than direct explanations. Apart from good results, both the teachers and the learners come to the conclusion that the inductive approach has also an influence on students' motivation, interest in the lesson as well as absorbing grammar more quickly.
Gdzie i kiedy:
W tym samym czasie ... 412, 504 | sala: 412 moderacja: Mirosław Koziarski |
14:15-14:30 | Dominika Krysztofowicz (UAM) - Intercultural diversity as important aspect of education in European Union |
14:30-14:45 | Iwona Kącka (UJK) - The manner of introducing new grammar structures in a foreign language classroom |
14:45-15:00 | Jan Moritz Werk (UAM) - "Kapitalismus" before and after the crisis - an analysis of semantic prosody in the German women's magazine "Brigitte" |
15:00-15:15 | dyskusja |