Abstrakty - VI edycja

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Monika Hohensee (Poznań)
Verb-noun collocations in the semantic field of emotion lexemes
Collocations are of great importance in many fields, such as lexicography or natural language processing, but also teaching and translating. Due to their arbitrariness and unpredictable nature, dictionaries dedicated entirely to these expressions in Italian could be useful also to native speakers, and yet, they remain relatively unpopular.
Various research examines collocations and their representation in dictionaries. Lo Cascio (1997) concentrates on the structure of collocation dictionaries used in translation, aiming to categorise the relations of noun-verb collocations. Mel’čuk and Wanner (1994), after having examined German emotion lexemes, observe that that the "collocates should be extracted from the individual lexical entries and listed together with their semantic constraints in the entry for what we call the generic lexeme of the semantic field under study". (Mel’čuk and Wanner, 1994: 325)
The aim of the research is, therefore, to present an example list of Italian collocations extracted from Italian text-corpora. The attention is brought particularly to emotion noun lexemes and their correlations with verbs, with the end result of presenting most recurrent collocates for these nouns. The research shows a great variety of Italian emotion lexemes. Moreover, it becomes clear that there are three main verbs which co-occur with the majority of the examined nouns. The results might be helpful in the Italian language acquisition as well as in translation.
Gdzie i kiedy:
W tym samym czasie ... 412, 416 | sala: 504 moderacja: Ida Stria |
10:00-10:15 | Bartłomiej Kruk (UAM) - Commonsensical knowledge in talk-in-interaction? The synergy of conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis |
10:15-10:30 | Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett (UAM) - Combining MCA and CDA? Investigating heteronormativity |
10:30-10:45 | Monika Hohensee (UAM) - Verb-noun collocations in the semantic field of emotion lexemes |
10:45-11:00 | dyskusja |