VII edycja - abstrakty
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Marta Durczak (Poznań)
Understanding of orientational metaphors in Turner Syndrome - plan of MA research
Turner Syndrome (T.S) is a rare genetic disorder with a very particular cognitive profile. Many studies have proved, that girls with T.S shows verbal IQ (VIQ) on average or above-average level with deficits at special-visual processing at the same time. In my MA research I would like to exanimate 2 groups of subjects: girls with T.S and control group. The task will be to understand and produce metaphorical expressions based on orientational metaphors, the concept introduced by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in their famous work Metaphors We Live By. Processing of this metaphorical expressions requires 3 main skills: theory of mind, language competence and special-visual processing. Based on that I can assume, that the results of experimental group will be significantly lower than in control group.
Gdzie i kiedy:
W tym samym czasie ... 412, 504 | sala: 416 moderacja: Tomasz Mowlik |
11:50-12:05 | Michał Rojek - Supporting friends and derogating enemies in gossip, and the problem of gossip veracity: A sociolinguistic and evolutionary perspective |
12:05-12:20 | Magdalena Hądzlik-Dudka (UJK) - Swearing in English, German and Polish - a comparative study |
12:20-12:35 | Marta Durczak (UAM) - Understanding of orientational metaphors in Turner Syndrome - plan of MA research |
12:35-12:50 | dyskusja |