VIII edycja - abstrakty

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Dorota Dąbrowska (Warszawa)

Metaphors and metonymies in satirical cartoons by Paweł Kuczyński

Image has always been a powerful medium to convey a message. As metaphor and metonymy are conceptual devices found in various modalities (Forceville and Urios-Aparisi 2009), they are also common in the visual one, such as satirical cartoons, where their creative use allows to highlight particular concepts of a satirized issue.
My presentation will be based on two satirical cartoons by a famous Polish cartoonist Paweł Kuczyński. I will argue that the visual composition of elements in the cartoons can lead to several metaphorical readings depending on the individual perception of the depicted situation and the background knowledge of the viewer.
The supremacy of the visual modality will be briefly discussed and its leading role in the process of interpretation of the selected cartoons. I will also focus on the degree to which the verbal modality expressed by the title of the cartoon can have a supporting role in the interpretation of the visual realisation of the metaphor LOVE IS A JOURNEY (Kövecses 2002: 5). I will also focus on the role of the PATH schema (Johnson 1987: 114) in understanding of the visual metaphor FACEBOOK IS A PERISCOPE.

Gdzie i kiedy: 

W tym samym czasie ...
412, 416, 505
sala: 504
moderacja: Tomasz Mowlik
11:30-11:45Dorota Dąbrowska (UW) - Metaphors and metonymies in satirical cartoons by Paweł Kuczyński
11:45-12:00Bartłomiej Orzychowski (UJ) - The Use of Inversion in Speech: A Case Study of Cooking Shows and Videoblogs
12:00-12:15Małgorzata Dorota Kopera (UMCS) - Third Language Acquisition and Writing: The Role of the First and the Second Language
12:15-12:30Marcin Kończal (UAM) - Powieść The Question of Red Laksmi Pamuntjak jako próba reperspektywizacji historii Amby, jednej z bohaterek Mahabharaty